Webinar: Improving your Reporting Capabilities on IBM i with NGS-IQ + RXS

Are you an RPG developer that needs to communicate business needs with analysts on your team? Look no further than this webinar to learn how you can with NGS-IQ and RXS.
Seamless Data Integration and Analysis: RPG API Express Meets NGS-IQ

Join Kato Integrations and NGS to explore how you can use both of their top solutions to form a full data-fetching-to-analysis workflow.
RPG API Express Version 3.5.0: Lightning-Fast JSON Composition and More!

RPG API Express Version 3.5.0 comes packed with new features and upgrades, the newest of which lets you build JSON much faster.
Introducing Kato Spaces: The New Name for Your Trusted IBM i Cloud Hosting Solution

We’re giving a warm welcome to Kato Spaces, the industry’s leading solution for hobbyist, small, and medium-sized IBM i hosting.
Say Hello to Kato Integrations!

Say hello and welcome to Kato Integrations! We’re the leading solution provider for writing 100% RPG APIs on the IBM i.
New! Create Compiled XML Templates in RXS – RPG API Express

RPG API Express gives you the best option out there when creating XML. Read this article for information on creating XML templates in RPG!
Planning for Disaster Recovery and High Availability on IBM i

Creating a High Availability (HA) environment for your IBM i servers may take some extra work up-front, but it will absolutely pay off.
IBM i Hosting Benefits – They’re Piling Up

The IBM i operating system’s hosting benefits are the best out there; your reasons to adopt are piling up!
Kato Spaces: An Inexpensive Hosted IBM i Sandbox for Your Team

Kato Spaces is an industry-trusted solution that works perfectly as a hosted IBM i sandbox for your team.
Full REST Web Service Support in RPG API Express 3.2

Call and offer REST APIs in RPG with RPG API Express. Look here to see the latest features we’ve included in the leading IBM i toolkit.