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YRC Freight API Meets IBM i and Macmillan Publishers

Shipping, tracking, and forecasting

Macmillan Publishers is a global trade book publishing company headquartered in New York City.

While running their business on IBM i, Macmillan utilizes a variety of LTL (Less Than Truckload) shipping carriers to ensure successful, cost-effective, and timely delivery of their books nationwide.

Recently we were contacted by Macmillan’s I.T. Director to implement Yellow Freight’s basic tracking API using RPG API Express.  YRC Freight’s APIs allow the integration of LTL shipping data into your company intranet or internet website to ensure your employees and customers have real-time tracking data at their fingertips.

In Macmillan’s case, the goal was to be able to initiate a request to YRC Freight’s web service which would return the current location of any shipment, as well as the starting and final delivery destinations.  With this information readily available at any time for all shipments in process, accurate delivery forecasts and communications can be provided to any employee or customer on demand.  An internal IBM database was also able to be updated regularly to ensure accuracy of overall shipment statuses.

Handling API data with RPG API Express

With RPG API Express and the simplicity of the basic tracking API, the request to YRC Freight involved simply adding the tracking number of a specific shipment onto a URL. RPG API Express was then used to parse the response data as well as updating internal IBM i database files with real-time data from YRC Freight.  The amount of coding required to facilitate the exchange of information between business systems was reduced significantly and the web service was live in production in a matter of hours.

So what’s next at Macmillan now that real-time tracking is in place with Yellow Freight?

Replicate the process with Averitt Express – another shipping carrier offering a shipment status web service!

What’s not to love with having the right technology in your tool belt?

Contact us to start putting RPG API Express to work with your business partners.